We kicked off the Python Study Jam March 1st with Intro to Python class. You can watch the class recording here.
Join our co-learning / Study Jam using this open source book https://automatetheboringstuff.com/, and will support your Study Jam journey with the following schedule:
Free Office hours: Monthly
- Chaps 1-6: April 6th, 6-7pm
- Chaps 7-12: May 3rd, 6-7pm
- Chaps 13-18: June 7th, 7-8pm
Workshops: Biweekly (drop-in $35, package of all 6: $175)
- Chaps 1-6: March 17th and 31, 6:30-7:30pm
- Chaps 7-12: April 14th and 28th, 6:30-7:30pm
- Chaps 13-18: May 12, May 26th, 6-7pm
Feel free to connect with other co-learners using HVTechFest Slack or OpenHub's Slack channels.
You may choose to join HVTechFest Discord server if this works best for you.
Let's start your journey into the world of programming with Python, an easy-to-learn programming language with an unlimited scope of uses in the real world.
We are excited to introduce you to an excellent resource to start learning the language and getting practice solving problems,
Automate the Boring Stuff With Python by Al Sweigart.
Please go through chapters 13-20, and we will meet you May 3rd for office hour dedicated to these chapters:
- Chapter 13 – Working with Excel Spreadsheets
- Chapter 14 – Working with Google Spreadsheets
- Chapter 15 – Working with PDF and Word Documents
- Chapter 16 – Working with CSV Files and JSON Data
- Chapter 17 – Keeping Time, Scheduling Tasks, and Launching Programs
- Chapter 18 – Sending Email and Text Messages
- Chapter 19 – Manipulating Images
- Chapter 20 – Controlling the Keyboard and Mouse with GUI Automation
Free yourself to spend your time where it counts. Even if you've never written a line of code, you learn how to make your computer do the grunt work.
Register in advance for this meeting:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.