Yulia Ovchinnikova, PhD is an economic growth & business development professional, tech entrepreneur and strategist, a thought leader, educator, consultant, and a community manager, primarily working with the technology and Internet industry. Yulia helps to build the Hudson Valley tech community by participating with and contributing to many local organizations including, the HVTM (1500+ members), the Google Developer Group HV (700+), running HV Startups business workshops (400+) and founding local Coding MeetUP (300+). She is a key-connector for Hudson Valley tech entrepreneurs and a recognized leader of the tech community.
Yulia was the first woman elected to the Top Level Country Internet Domain .RU Council and the first woman elected as president of the Russian Foundation of Open Source Software. She started as a web-developer in 1995, and she lead web-development teams across all her following jobs, including publishing platform (IKS-Media), consulting (KPMG), a few startups (Rosa Lab and iTrend) and as a team lead she won the Google Hackathon’s audience award in 2015.
She holds a PhD in Economics from Russian Academy of Science and an MA in Applied Mathematics & Computer Science from Moscow State Technical University of Electronics & Mathematics.