Data Analytics IV: R

In this course, students will learn how to load a data set into R for analysis. The R language will be covered to allow the student to become familiar with data analysis techniques accomplished. Specific algorithms and related packages will be used to develop machine learning models used for prediction.

At the end of the course, student will know:

1.    How to use R to perform analysis on different size data sets.
2.    How to work with packages in R to streamline project efficiency.
3.    How to use the R Studio IDE to run different algorithms used for data analytics projects.
4.    How to create a workflow to perform data analytics in R.

Consider 3-hour lecture per week, and 4-6 hours per week on quizzes and ongoing real-world projects for homework.

Who Is This Course For? 

for those considering a professional career in Data Analytics field

What Will You Learn? 
R language, algorithms and related packages
use R to perform analysis on different size data sets
5 weeks
Data Analytics Bootcamp

Course Schedule:

This course is not currently scheduled. Please sign up if you want to get this course soon.