Coding Club: November 2020

Every month we mix and mingle,  getting together around technology to share and co-learn together, discussing an advanced topic or working on some projects in collaboration setup. There is usually no mentor,, but lightning talks or presenter. We re t is a group of experts sharing their experience, providing use-cases and more. If you'd like to share your experience and guide some activities, please let us know! You can always submit your lightning talk using this form

  • This time we will keep it as open mic - let's catch up and see what everybody is up to, and how do we want to proceed with the following meetings. New normal is pushing us for pivoting. Let's figure it out together.
  • Hudson Valley Tech Festival is pivoting too, we are planning our Hackathon to be remote October 23-24:
  • We will also discuss and plan next steps and topics as well as more tech programs coming to the region.

• Important to know: Coding Club is a volunteer-based activity. We are looking forward to meet local techies and web pros as well as total novice who is interested to start this Coding/WebDev journey. We will work together as community to help each other to learn and grow. Please let us know if you want to give a talk, slides or discuss specific topic - you can submit your talk using this form 

Please RSVP here:

Who Is This Course For? 

local web and app developers, as we ll as anyone who is interested in digital tech / coding.

We will; be happy to discuss any questions / suggestions you have.

What Will You Learn? 
What other like minded developers use?
Who I can collaborate with?
What is the best way to learn it?
How to see who is hiring for a tech positions?
What skills are on demand here?
What training / courses I can find taught in person locally? Online?
Mon, Nov 2 - 6:30pm to 7:30pm
124 Grand Street
Newburgh, NY 12550