Welcome to join, let's help each other. We encourage questions and collaborative challenges, showcases and co-learning opportunities. So we are open - as our organization OpenHubProject.com - is.
Rough agenda for each club:
- 10 Minutes for Everyone to introduce themselves to the group. We want to know who you are, what you do, language or technology focus, and what you're looking to get out of this group in the future!
- Then we dive into talks which will range from 15-45 minutes with time for questions at the end. You can always submit your talk using this form.
- Having mentors in the room we will debug specific challenges for HTML-CSS-JavaScript-PHP etc. Bring your project!
- We like to keep an open mic - let's catch up and see what everybody is up to, and how do we want to proceed with the following meetings. New normal is pushing us for pivoting. Let's figure it out together.
Hudson Valley Tech Festival pivoted too, we experienced our first ever remote Hackathon October 23-24: https://hvtechfest.com/. This was amazing experience, and we know our teams will be happy to share their experience
• Important to know: Coding Club is a volunteer-based activity. We are looking forward to meet local techies and web pros as well as total novice who is interested to start this Coding/WebDev journey. We will work together as community to help each other to learn and grow. Please let us know if you want to give a talk, slides or discuss specific topic - you can submit your talk using this form
Please RSVP here: https://www.meetup.com/web-development-coding-computing
local web and app developers, as we ll as anyone who is interested in digital tech / coding.
We will; be happy to discuss any questions / suggestions you have.