Workshop A Foundational Concepts and Syntax
Introduction to Python: A-B-C series will provide a deep dive into Python as a trending programming language and cover Python fundamentals and some use cases. Use your chance to learn this powerful and popular language! Our mentors are Hudson Valley developers Aris Stepe and Yacin Timimi. They will guide your first steps in Python, help installing your dev environment, demonstrate a few common use cases and cover the key fundamentals of this powerful language. 1. Workshop A: Foundational Concepts and Syntax 2. Workshop B: Loops, Functions and the Standard Library 3. Workshop C: Object-Oriented Design and 3rd Party Packages
Who Is This Course For?
- Anyone who wants to build a business website
What Will You Learn?
Foundational Concepts and Syntax
Python Dev Environment
Thu, May 30 - 6:00pm to 8:00pm
Newburgh Free Library
124 Grand St
Newburgh, NY 12550