Customer Development, Segmentation & Profiling

Starting business or just a website, you have to think about customers you'd like to attract.

3 hours

Data-Driven 101: Developing a Data-Driven Small Business Culture

Developing a data-driven culture in the small business is a daunting task, especially during this time of economic recovery. In this hands-on workshop, attendees are introduced to a framework for data-driven decision-making. Using a step-by-step approach, the information used in the planning process is used to transformed into an action plan for implementation.

3 hours

Digital Basics & Digital Citizenships

Productiity Software,Internet and Digital Privacy foundations

45 hours

Tapping into Dark Data

Dark data as the information assets organizations collect, process and store during regular business activities, but generally fail to use for other purposes 


Unlocking AI: Introduction for Career-Focused Adults

Unlocking Artificial Intelligence: Introduction for Career-Focused Adults

3 hours

Website Planning: Objectives, Information Architecture, UX

Business Objectives, User Experience and Information Architecture. 

This course will teach how to define and distinguish Business Objectives and Website Goals, User Case and User Story, Wireframes and Information Architecture. In this course, students will learn how to define and plan their website for the optimal conversion to the business goals. This course covers: Conversions and Call to Actions, Content structure, website building blocks and Information Architecture, User centric web development, User Case, User Story, User Journey. Why and when you need to set up your Online marketing strategy, what is the difference between mockups and wireframes, and where to start with your process > how to improve it.

15 hours

Data-Driven 103: Using Data Analytics to Inform Small to Medium Business Continuity Planning

Small or medium business (SMB) generates data, lots of data. Are we using it? 

This data is a rich resource but many SMBs are held back from benefiting from that data because of the following factors:

3 hours

Intro to Python

Learn How to create simple programs in Python, the leading scripting language in programming industry. It is often used to build websites and software, automate tasks, and conduct data analysis. 

15 hours

Data Viz With Python

Learn how to create data visualizations in Python, the leading scripting language in programming industry. These data viz's can be used to visualizae data, sell an idea, make a case, or just have fun!

15 hours

Use ChatGPT for Career Exploration and Job Search


Use ChatGPT for Career Exploration and Job Search

3 hours