Excel Intermediate

In this course, students will learn how to use basic, intermediate and advanced Excel formulas, Flash fill, Pivot Tables and Pivot Charts, What-if analysis, logic functions, VLOOKUP and HLOOKUP.

Who Is This Course For? 

beginners, basic Excel or Google spreadsheets familiarity is desired

What Will You Learn? 
Excel 1 - basic formulas, Lab 1. Sorting, Filtering. Printed areas, tables design
Excel 2 - Lab 2, Project 1 and 2 - intermediate and advanced formulas. Flash fill
Excel 3 - Separate Email addresses, Perform VLOOKUP and HLOOKUP functions to access list data. PMT, DATE, XLOOK functions
Excel 4 - Data Tables. Work with a spreadsheet to edit, sort, clean data. Find data sources in CSV or XLS formats to work with. Filter, select and extract data from a dataset using a spreadsheet.
Excel 5 - Pivot Tables and Pivot Charts, Scenarios, What-if analysis

basic Excel


Jack Lobianco

Jack possesses over 20 years of proven leadership in the information technology (IT) sector, covering roles in Integration Engineering, product management, and development of Windows tools and automation in financial services.

Jack has been a Delivery Manager for enterprise-wide financial services; he is successful managing customer and vendor relationships, leading extremely productive and motivated people and projects.

15 hours

Course Schedule:

This course is not currently scheduled. Please sign up if you want to get this course soon.